Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Exegesis explanation

Why call my blog "Offshore"? Well, the foremost reason: that is all me and my best friend came up with after three minuets of dedicated thinking. 
However, there were good reasons for this. Like a good seminarian, I will refer back to the Bible: "Getting into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, [Jesus] asked him to put out a short distance from the shore [hence, "Offshore"]. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.'" (Lk 5:3-4) Now, for those of you who don't know the rest of the story, it goes roughly like this:

Simon: Uh, we've been fishing ALL day and ALL night and we got nothin'. But if you say so, I'll do it..."
 Jesus works a miracle and soon the nets are filled to bursting with fish. Simon sees this happen. He asks Jesus to leave because he (Simon) feels ashamed of his sin, and not worthy to stand in the presence of the Lord. 
 Jesus: "Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men." (RSV, Lk 5:10).

What in the world does this little story have to do with my blog? Let me explain. Jesus told Simon to go out and do the seemingly impossible: catch fish when Simon very well knows that there aren't any out there. But, trusting in Jesus' words, Simon goes out and does it anyway. The result? A miraculously huge catch of fish. Jesus then tells Simon that he will be catching men from now on, meaning he will commit the rest of his life to bringing people to Jesus. 
What about me? Jesus told me to do the seemingly impossible: make it through the eight years of seminary formation to become a priest. 
So here I am at seminary, allowing Jesus to work a miracle in me. I am letting Him take my brokenness and frail human nature, and make me into an instrument of His love and grace. 
There are good days and there are bad days at seminary, but I am still "offshore", I am still "in the boat" with Jesus, trusting that He has a plan, and that He will do remarkable things with me!
Believe me, this is as deep as I'll get. 
For the most part, I want to show those who have made it this far down my post that those of us who have responded to God's call are not being taught how to be collar-wearing Terminators, who you turn on for weekends and put in the basement for safe-keeping. We are still human, and the point of this blog is for you to get to know me (as well as my brother seminarians) as a human, responding to God's call.

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