Thursday, January 22, 2015

A short pilgrimage

So, I just got back from the March for Life, hence my blogging negligence. I drove down yesterday with a few other guys to get to the Vigil for Life at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Washington D.C. We had an awesome time, running on only about 4 hours of sleep.
I ran into one of the guys who used to work with me at seminary. See, I'm a sacristan, which means I help set up everything before Mass (light candles, altar bread/wine, vestments, etc.). This guy was a sacristan with me, and I am a year ahead of him, so I bossed him around and he made fun of me. It was great.
He left seminary, however, to pursue a vocation to the married life. Well, we met up again on the steps of the Basilica and did some catching up.
It's funny, you live at seminary and think the guys who leave just kind of drop off the face of the earth. Either that, or you think everyone who leaves believes you did. The truth is, however, that the family we make here lasts. Not just because we go through the same tough times together, but because we all understand what it means to feel called. Regardless of the vocation, if you share a common response to Grace, there is a bond there that can't be broken by mere distance.
It was good seeing him, good marching with everyone, but it'll be good to get back to the routine.

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