Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I just found out how to give these things a title...

I had to read Anselm's proof of the existence of God for my natural Theology class. This was frustrating. Not only because he was a tad bit verbose in his usage of infinitives, but because I was reading it on my kindle fire. One of my classmates was determined to sell me a tablet before Latin every day of the first semester of my second year. Because I got a kindle fire for Christmas, he considers it a triumph for the forces of technological progression and innovation. Perhaps this is so. Verily, it doesn't really fit that a self-professed Luddite would have a blog... So I had used my kindle to download the PDF copy of Anselm's proof. Unfortunately, the way that the document was scanned prevented me from reading it like a normal person. Maybe I'm just bechnologically tackwards, but I was unable to read the blasted thing holding the kindle vertically. So I had to hold the kindle in such a way that the document fitted the whole screen, and then tilt my head in such a way that I might read it. In my mind's eye, I closely remembered a possessed cat my mom owned as a kid.
The fruit of my efforts resulted was this: Anselm says God is "a being of which nothing greater can be conceived." I think I would like to become a hermit.

Oh! I just got it! Kindle fire! As in, kindling a fire! Now I know why they put fire at the end!

... I need a nap...

1 comment:

  1. Id quo maius cogitari non potest... uuugh, you just brought back nasty memories of Philosophical Theology class in Rome. I don't really care if it's a valid argument or not; I just know I wouldn't use it to try to convince someone of God's existence because no poor agnostic should be put through such an ordeal. And at these hours "that than which nothing greater can be conceived" for me is my bed (yawn)...
