Friday, February 6, 2015


The awesome thing about doing awesome things (like studying to be a priest), is that you meet awesome people doing other awesome things. While this did not land me a voice-acting role in The Lego Movie, it has led me to meet some of the awesomest people known to... me. Some of those awesome people I know are traveling abroad, which makes me "green with jealous rage right now". One of them is in Rome (I'm busting a newly acquired seminarian gasket) and another is in Columbia. They have started blogs themselves, as a means of relating their experiences abroad to those back in the states. Clairetakescolombia.wordpress.com are their blog sights. I love to travel, so reading about their different experiences is really cool.

"But Cephas" I say to myself (yes, I refer to myself in the third person in Greek. Very nerd.), "what reason have you to be jealous?"

This is true. My situation is similar to one studying abroad. I am away from home. Sometimes I don't understand the language, the customs are very strange, there are massive misunderstandings which can land one in trouble with the authorities, at times you wonder how many of the people believe the same things you do, and you can't always discern what it is you are eating. So I really haven't anything to be "green with jealous rage" about!... Ahaha... aha... ha.
Tomorrow, I hope to see a few of the things around the city of Philadelphia to assuage my irrational grief over being in a place where everybody speaks English. Don't get me wrong, I love English. I'm of British descent and I am very... aware of it. To prove my British fervor, I even took a quiz online to see how British I am and I was graded as "practically the Queen". I notice a few key differences between myself and Her Majesty, but you get the point. Because I live 15 minuets away from the city, people who are all like: "Oh, wow! Philly! So cool and historical and 'merican, Flags, eagles, bells, buildings! Great!" I throw a bit of proverbial cold water on top of their verbal enthusiasm with my half-interested "meh." But tomorrow, I will carpe the diem and see if I can go to the art museum to get some inspiration from the modern art gallery on how best to bring about indigestion...

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